Did you know we also provide our technology to the solar industry? 

For the last two decades, Vaporbrothers has designed and sourced materials and components for a variety of businesses. Yours could be one.

For the solar industry, when solar cells were being sintered (created by melting sheets of glass, electrodes and films together) in a high temperature oven, the metallic surfaces of the conveyor and heating element holders gave off ions into the air that spoiled the efficiency of the final product. Just as we wanted to eliminate the "hot metal smell" in vaporizing, we used our knowledge of precision ceramic to lessen metal ions in manufacturing ovens. Most industries are still largely in the dark ages when it comes to metal ions. Using parts designed and sourced through us, a solar company named TPS increased the reliability and quality of solar cells.

If you like our consistency and attention to detail we can do that for you- or at least make a good attempt and provide you valuable data to get your goals accomplished.

Vaporbrothers is able to produce components in 

  • glass
  • non-toxic wood & finishes
  • high temperature silicone
  • heating elements of all types
  • medical grade rubbers
  • plastic
  • electrical boards
  • and our favorite- injection molded ceramic components 

Our vapor pen supplier is pretty top notch if you need a vapor related product or component.

We work with glassblowers in California, New Jersey, Canada, and overseas.

If your company has a design already we can give you a quote. For designs that are not ready for the factory we offer basic design services by the hour.

Send us a message at our contact page if you would like to know more.