Products 1-7 of 7
8978 Maintenance Kit
Price: $11.99
Availability: In Stock
Vaporbrothers Item #: 8978 -

    Keep your vaporizer working like new with some good old fashioned maintenance.

    8977 Whip Screening Kit
    Retail: $13.00
    Was: $9.99
    Sale: $8.99
    Availability: In Stock
    Vaporbrothers Item #: 8977 -
    • Spring Sale

    Intended for Vaporbrothers original style "All-Glass Whips" where the screen is captured within a groove in the glass. Not necessary for use with "EZ Whips" aka "Easy Screen Changing Whips," the type of Whip that breaks down into pieces. You can tell if have an EZ Whip: If your Whip has a Ceramic Screen or Silicone Whip Grip, you have an EZ Whip and don't need this kit. We use these tools to insert screens at our workshop. Includes a bamboo skewer, metal pick tool, and an assortment of...

    91% Isopropyl Alcohol
    Retail: $11.00
    Price: $8.99
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 9420-91Iso-16oz -

      This 91% solution can clean vaporizers without causing harmful corrosion to electronics.  Ordinary Isopropyl Alcohol from the drug store is usually only 70% alcohol, 30% water. You can use it to clean yourself or whips, but should not use it on electronics, since the water content will cause delicate parts to rust. Iso should be 91% or more to clean electronics like your vapor pen heater and battery. Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and not great to breathe or put...

      General Purpose Alcohol Wipes, 70% Iso
      Retail: $1.00
      Price: $0.12
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: 9420-70Iso-Pad -

        70% alcohol wipes are handy for disinfecting vape gear between uses, or to clean yourself or whips. 10 piece minimum, sold in packs of 2. Brands may vary.

        Heavy Duty Alcohol Wipes, 99.9% for Clean Freaks
        Retail: $2.00
        Price: $0.89
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: 9420-99Iso-Pad -

          Heavy duty 99% Isopropyl alcohol wipes for disinfecting and cleaning vaporizer gear. Safe on electronic parts. Pads are highly flammable and not pleasant to breathe or put on your skin. Use this 99% ISO to cut through residue in vaporizer whip parts, vape pen parts, and more.

          Premium Organic Cotton Swabs Tidy Tips, 7Th Floor, Cleaning, Dab, Pen, Dab Pen, Elev8, 7Th Floor
          Retail: $6.00
          Price: $4.99
          Availability: In Stock
          7th Floor Item #: 9412-TidyTips -

            Stiffer and more durable than Q Tips. Organic cotton is weaved tightly into a ball, giving you more cleaning power.

            8978 Maintenance Kit
            Price: $9.99
            Availability: In Stock
            Vaporbrothers Item #: 8978-subscription -

            Keep your vaporizer working like new with some good old fashioned maintenance.