Avoid the Knockoffs!
It came to our attention long ago that people are getting "ripped" off by sellers of fake, cheap, and unhealthy replicas of our Original Vaporbrothers Vaporizer. Our distinctive angled box design has carved a distinct place in the market, with cheesy wood "Vapor Daddy, etc." and plastic "Easy Vape" becoming commonplace.
Not to toot our horn- but just so you know where we are coming from, the Whip® based vaporizer was our invention of 1999, with the angled box shape drawn by us in 2001. At the time we came up with the idea, vaporizers were almost completely unknown. We hold 3 worldwide patents on the concept of a whip vaporizer, and we hold the registered trademark term "Whip." Ours is a world of originators and improvers, preyed upon by imitators. Over the last decade, our vaporizer has become an icon and inspiration to other inventors, but also is the most imitated vaporizer of all time.
There are good whip-based vaporizers out there (VapeXhale) and just copies. The more horrendous copies are overseas built Vaporite, Vapor Daddy, Digi Vape, Vaporite, Easy Vape, VaporDoc/Vaporstore, and about 2 dozen others.
We here at Vaporbrothers are not just grossed out seeing bad copies becoming widespread. We are worried because of the harm they inflict. We have never heard of any of these knockoff box vaporizers being tested, and we know they were not developed with your health in mind.
The only competing vaporizer to give us props is Silver Surfer. They make a good product at a bit more cost. If you like their solution, check them out.
Back to copycats. Here is why you shouldn't mess with them:
With 16 years of experience, we know a lot needs to be taken into consideration when developing vaporizer products. If a vaporizer company is not greatly concerned with the chemicals and production methods being used, then they need to be. With the way a convection vaporizer like ours, the heating element needs to be extremely hot inside. Copycats approximate the look and operation of our product but use materials that are easy for them to find. But any aluminum, plastic, glue, or even common plated metals will outgas harmful ions and chemicals at such temperatures. Most cheap copies are overheating their internal components during normal operation. Add to that the inability to dial in a useful temperature. All the digital displays we have inspected do not connect to anything. Even worse, these "digital" vaporizer power levels are in 8 big steps (not individual degrees as the display suggests) so your perfect temperature will never be found. Add to that the inability of knockoffs to maintain temperature during a hit, and it's a big fail all around. People tend to hate box vaporizers after trying the knockoffs. You can imagine how this makes us feel.
We've found regrettable choices being made by our competitors and would never recommend their product.
By definition, companies that would steal from us are in it solely for the money and do not care about keeping you safe. With business influencers constantly preaching the “bottom line”, we see why these knockoff companies look for shortcuts that increase profits. Invisible chemicals in the air are low on their list of priorities.
So, in short, don't buy that crap. Your lungs will thank you.
If you are coming from using a non-VB product and want to try ours, no stress. We want to help you out! We have a trade-in program that is a normal part of our repair service. If you send us your old vaporizer, we will offer you a new Vaporbrothers at a steeply discounted price. See our repair page, or send any specific questions to our support.
Thank you for reading!
Look for the Vaporbrothers® trademarked logo