Artist Linzy Miggantz brought together some of the art world's favorite visionary artists and asked them to create the most amazing vaporizer that they could dream up. The results are nothing short of spectacular. Every unit is fully functional and carries the same warranty as all Vaporbrothers Vaporizers.

Created by master glassblowers, the Whips here are the most outlandish ever made. Enjoy designs from Zach P, Lord, Snic, Salt, and others.

See more of our featured artists' work at their respective websites and on Vaporbrothers Instagram.

Products 1-3 of 3
Vaporbrothers Color Whips Cover
Retail: $82.00
Was: $62.99
Sale: $56.69
Availability: In Stock
Vaporbrothers Item #: 8736 -
  • Spring Sale

A classy hand blown Color Whip for your Vaporbrothers Vaporizer (VB1) Color and shape may vary as these are hand blownComes with a matching color glass mouthpiece. (replacements here)Heat-treated stainless screen (.75" replacements here)Generous glass thickness without being heavyHigh-quality European sourced ground joints (16mm)Works with all Hands-Free Vaporbrothers Vaporizers Compatibility: This is a "Hands Free Whip" with a 16mm ground glass connection to your hands free vaporizer. If...

Vaporbrothers All-Glass Whip - Hands Free - Special Color Whip, Glass, Hands Free, Christmas, Special, Limited, Vaporbrothers, , Vaporbrothers
Retail: $78.00
Was: $59.99
Sale: $53.99-$69.99
Availability: In Stock
Vaporbrothers Item #: 8736-Special -
  • Spring Sale

About our Glass Glass at Vaporbrothers is made from laboratory-grade borosilicate glass and is held to high standards of material and workmanship. All units are manufactured to a uniform thickness and are inspected by us under polarized light to make sure there are no imperfections or microfractures. Our competitors often use inferior, low-tolerance glass that can be thin, wobbly over the heater and prone to cracking.  About our choice to use a custom size tip: We decided to use this 16mm...

Vaporbrothers Standard Color Whip
Retail: $71.99
Price: $64.99
Availability: In Stock
Vaporbrothers Item #: 8730 -

    A classy hand blown Color Whip for your Vaporbrothers Vaporizer (VB1) Color and shape may vary as these are hand blownComes with a matching color glass mouthpiece. (replacements here)Heat-treated stainless screen (.75" replacements here)Standard Whips are more affordable and slightly more durable than Hands-FreePull the Whip away from the vaporizer between hits- The glass stays coolCareful hand-blowing method creates generous glass thickness without feeling heavyWorks with all Box...