Products 1-3 of 3
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 8736 -
A classy hand blown Color Whip for your Vaporbrothers Vaporizer (VB1) Color and shape may vary as these are hand blownComes with a matching color glass mouthpiece. (replacements here)Heat-treated stainless screen (.75" replacements here)Generous glass thickness without being heavyHigh-quality European sourced ground joints (16mm)Works with all Hands-Free Vaporbrothers Vaporizers Compatibility: This is a "Hands Free Whip" with a 16mm ground glass connection to your hands free vaporizer. If...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 8736-Special -
About our Glass Glass at Vaporbrothers is made from laboratory-grade borosilicate glass and is held to high standards of material and workmanship. All units are manufactured to a uniform thickness and are inspected by us under polarized light to make sure there are no imperfections or microfractures. Our competitors often use inferior, low-tolerance glass that can be thin, wobbly over the heater and prone to cracking. About our choice to use a custom size tip: We decided to use this 16mm...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 8730 -
A classy hand blown Color Whip for your Vaporbrothers Vaporizer (VB1) Color and shape may vary as these are hand blownComes with a matching color glass mouthpiece. (replacements here)Heat-treated stainless screen (.75" replacements here)Standard Whips are more affordable and slightly more durable than Hands-FreePull the Whip away from the vaporizer between hits- The glass stays coolCareful hand-blowing method creates generous glass thickness without feeling heavyWorks with all Box...