Q: How to choose Hands-Free vs. Hands-On?

(formerly called Standard)

A: Choosing between our Hands-Free vs Hands-On model of vaporizer is a personal preference.  Each method has its benefits. 

You can either leave the Whip connected to the vaporizer (Hands-Free) or manually hold the Whip to the vaporizer during inhalation (Hands-On).

Do you have a vaporizer already and want to know what type it is? Read below.

The way the Whip Handpiece connects to the heater is the main difference between Hands-Free and Hands-On units.


Hands Free vs Manual Standard Vaporizer


Hands-Free Features and Benefits:

Matching tapered joint between Whip and heating element allows you to leave the Whip connected to the heat source without having to hold it in place.

  • Preferred by newcomers 2:1. You may pass the mouthpiece around a table without having to disconnect the Whip from the vaporizer.
  • Airflow is not as mixed as on the older Hands-On. It helps to stir the herbs once or twice during a session.
  • Tip becomes EXTREMELY hot during use - Beware of where you set a hot Whip down. Recommended to upgrade your hose to Silicone.
  • Whip can be left on the heater for long term. Don't worry about drying out your herbs if you do. The herbs will not be consumed unless you draw air through them.
  • Grants you an extra hand (The main point)
  • Cannot be used in Hands-Free mode on a Hands-On model vaporizer.
  • hands free gif

    Note: All Hands-On accessories are compatible with the Hands-Free vaporizer. (i.e. Hands-On EZ Change Whip, Hands-On All-Glass Whip, Mini Whip) Hands-Free Whips are not intended for use with Hands-On vaporizers.

    Want to know if your existing VB vaporizer is a Hands-Free?

    Look at the 5 to 6 digit serial number on the bottom. Does it have small type below it? If it says "2215," "2219," "2223," "VB1-HandsFree," or "VB1-Euro-HandsFree" it is a Hands Free.

    Compatible Whips for Hands-Free VB Vaporizers


    Hands-On Features and Benefits:

    The user holds the Whip up to the heater while they inhale, and pulls it away between draws.

  • Our original glass on glass design. Whip does not stay connected to the heater on its own.
  • Without the ground glass feature, it's a bit more durable and definitely more economical to purchase. Replacement parts cost less than Hands-Free as well.
  • Fits like a ball-joint. Easily rotate the Whip around while taking a draw to steer the hot air stream through the bowl. The Hands-On gives a more even browning of the botanicals.
  • Glass stays relatively cool, unlike the Hands-Free which gets searing hot at its tip. You can see/smell the herbs between hits. It gives you instant feedback on if your herbs are browning too much.
  • Can be used (in hands-on fashion) on Hands-Free vaporizers as well.
  • hands-on demo gif

    Want to know if your existing VB vaporizer is a Hands-On (aka Standard)?

    Look at the 5 to 6 digit serial number on the bottom. Does it have small type below it? If it says "2214" or "VB1-Standard" or "Hands-On" it is a Hands-On.


    Compatible Whips for Hands-On VB Vaporizers

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