Vaporbrothers' Trademarks

About our Trademarks

Q: What is "Vaporbrothers?"

Vaporbrothers®: and the VB logo are the trademarks for a wide range of vaporizers and other aromatherapy and homeopathic products manufactured by Vaporbrothers, Inc., its affiliates, and its licensees, and sold by authorized Vaporbrothers resellers around the world. Both trademarks belong to Vaporbrothers, Inc.

Q: What do you mean by the word "trademark?"

Think of a trademark as anything – a word, a phrase, a symbol, a design, or a combination of any or all of these things – that uniquely identifies the source of a particular product or service. Trademarks have commercial value because they help companies to distinguish themselves and their offerings from other entities and products.

Q: Who may sell Vaporbrothers products on eBay?

Only Vaporbrothers, Inc., its affiliates, and its licensees may advertise that they sell genuine Vaporbrothers brand products. Other companies may sell vaporizers or other aromatherapy and homeopathic products, but neither you nor they have the right to use the Vaporbrothers mark with those products without permission. eBay buyers and sellers should note that Vaporwarehouse and Vaporbrothers are the only eBay stores currently authorized as a Vaporbrothers reseller; no other eBay store may use our name and marks.

Q: eBay notified me that my auction was canceled because you complained about it. Why did you cancel my auction?

Vaporbrothers has no authority to cancel any eBay auction; that power resides solely with eBay. However, we would petition eBay to cancel an auction if someone has engaged in infringing, misleading, or other wrongful use of our trademarks. Our trademarks mean a lot to us, and we will take all appropriate action to ensure that they not only get used properly, but also that no one associates our trademarks with goods or products that are not genuine Vaporbrothers brand products – products that meet our standards for safety, quality, and reliability. Trademark protection helps to avoid confusion in the marketplace as to what is a real Vaporbrothers product or not.

Since our "Vaporbrothers®" trademark listing is on the "Primary Register," companies like eBay recognize it as a "strong trademark." Over the years, eBay's legal department has sided with us for one or more of the following reasons:

1. If your auction included an offer to sell vaporizers identified as “Vaporbrothers” or displayed the VB logo, but you do not indicate that you are selling a pre-owned product or a product purchased by a recognizable authorized reseller, and we have not authorized you as a reseller, then your offer may mislead buyers and infringe upon our trademarks.

2. If your auction offered to sell a product that features vaporizers or other aromatherapy and homeopathic products (such as herb blends, glass, and other accessories) and you used “Vaporbrothers” or even just the word "Brothers" to describe the products, but the auction actually references or includes another brand of vaporizer or aromatherapy and homeopathic products, then your use of “Vaporbrothers," "Vapor Brothers," or "Brothers" infringes upon our trademarks.

3. If your auction quoted text from our instruction manual, Web site, warranty, or other printed material, you plagiarized our copyrighted work. We control the use of all text, logos, photographs, images, products (including their titles and descriptions), designs, and other information used in any of our Web sites and in the finished products, which we design, create, produce, sell, or otherwise handle. This control extends to any of our eBay auctions and eBay store listings. We may therefore search eBay listings from time to time and take all appropriate action to protect our copyrights and marks against unauthorized use and infringement.

4. Basically, if your auction tries to associate a competitor vaporizer with our name, you're probably violating our trademarks.

Q: What is the proper way to use your trademarks?

If you want no problem referencing genuine Vaporbrothers brand products, you should follow these three guidelines to use our trademarks properly:

1. The mark should appear as one word followed by the trademark symbol: ® We also use the word “brand” following the mark. Thus you would write: “Vaporbrothers brand.”

2. Since there are many different Vaporbrothers brand products, the word “brand” must also be followed by the generic name of the type of product you are selling, such as “vaporizers” or “herb blends.” For example, you might say “We only sell genuine Vaporbrothers brand vaporizers.”

3. When you use our marks to identify a Vaporbrothers product, take care that you avoid giving the impression that you own the marks. You can safely avoid this misunderstanding if you include a notice statement that says: “Vaporbrothers is a trademark of Vaporbrothers, Inc.” or “Vaporbrothers and the VB logo are trademarks of Vaporbrothers, Inc.”

Current Vaporbrothers Logo Trademark

VB logo currently in use

VB Logo In use ca2002-2009

VB logo ca. 2002-2009

Early VB Logo

VB logo ca. 2000-2001

Vaporbrothers Logo ca 2010-2015

VB logo ca. 2010-2014

Image of the Vaporbrothers Box Vaporizer 2001

Image of the Vaporbrothers Box Vaporizer 2001

Vaporbrothers Logo

VB box logo

Vaporbrothers Original Logo

VB original logo

About Other Trademarks Used on this Site:

The names of other companies, products and services, are the property of their respective owners.


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