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Price: $62.99
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    Made by Vaporbrothers
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    A classy Whip for your Vaporbrothers Vaporizer (VB-1)

    • We love our fancy Colored Whips!
    • Well formed features feel good in the hand
    • Generous glass thickness without being heavy
    • High quality European sourced ground joints (16mm)
    • Compatible with all Hands-Free Vaporbrothers Vaporizers

    Fumed Glass are yellowish with accents of blue when held against a dark background.

    Hands-Free Colored Whips come with a matching color glass mouthpiece.

    About our Glass

    Glass at Vaporbrothers is made from laboratory-grade borosilicate glass and is held to high standards of material and workmanship. All units are manufactured to a uniform thickness and are inspected by us under polarized light to make sure there are no imperfections or microfractures. Our competitors often use inferior, low-tolerance glass that can be thin, wobbly over the heater and prone to cracking.

    About our choice to use a custom size tip:

    We decided to use this 16mm size because it's simply better, both in terms of a superior vaporizing experience and because it's more efficient in the consumption of herbs. Since then, knockoffs and Whip-based competitors took a shortcut and used an off-the-shelf size (19mm) that is easier to break, uses more of-- and is more prone to spillage of--your herbs.

    How to tell if your vaporizer is a "Hands-Free" model:

    If your current Vaporbrothers whip has a red "HOT" or "CAUTION" emblem and attaches via a frosted, ground glass tip to the heating element, your vaporizer is a Hands-Free model.

    Compatibility with other brands:

    This Vaporbrothers Hands-Free Whip is not compatible with competitor clones, including Easy Vape Digital, VaporWarez, VaporBox, VaporCannon, VaporDoc, Pure Vaporizer, Got Vape Aroma Classic Vaporizer, the Vapor King Vaporizer, Pitara, and others not listed here.

    Cleaning tip: Dip the bowl end of the Whip into boiling water and draw the water up into the Whip (carefully) by inhaling through the tube. Don't scald yourself with hot water. Blow the water out of the Whip forcefully. This will clean the screen as well as an alcohol soak. Vaporizing residue is not hard like smoking pipe resin. It melts and can be removed easily with hot water. Clean the pot with cooking oil and detergent.

    Vaporbrothers Fancy Hands Free Whip

    Never tap the glass handpiece end of the vapor whip to remove the used materials from the whip. Always use a stir tool to remove the used materials. Tapping the vapor whip may break the glass.

    Cleaning Tip: Try cleaning your screen and whip without removing the screen. Fill a ZipLock baggie about 1/4 full of rubbing alcohol, and then pour in spoonful of salt. After removing your whip from the plastic tubing drop it in the bag. Shake the bag for a minute and then rinse under hot water. If needed repeat the process a time or two and you can keep using the same whip/screen for a very long time. For harder to clean whips, let the glass soak overnight in the rubbing alcohol/salt bath. For more cleaning tips try reading the comments on our Cleaning Your Vaporizer Whip Blog Post.

    When you are ready for a fresh screen this YouTube video provides excellent instructions for changing the screen in the Vaporbrothers whip.

    Includes: 11mm Fancy Hands Free Glass Handpiece with .75" heat treated, stainless steel screen 3' Class IV Medical Grade BPA free, DEHP free Hose Matching Fancy Glass Mouthpiece

    Please Note: Vaporbrothers Hands Free Whips are not compatible with the Easy Vape Digital, VaporWarez, VaporBox, VaporCannon, the VaporDoc Vaporizer, the Pure Vaporizer, Got Vape Aroma Classic Vaporizer, and the Vapor King Vaporizer.