
Q: How does Vaporbrothers compare to the Vapezilla or Vaporator vaporizer?

A: Like the Volcano vaporizer, the fan-driven vaporizers such as Vaporator or Vapezilla have positive and negative aspects. We find that people prefer the quiet operation and sweeter taste of Vaporbrothers over Volcano or Vapezilla. Vapezilla is built very high-end and durable, but is more bulky and less portable than Vaporbrothers. Vapezilla is similar to the Vaporbrothers VB1 in that it gives a good tasting vapor instantaneously, better than Volcano's vapor which is a few minutes old by the time the user inhales. But Vapezilla's vapor is not as dense as VB, and it requires a lot of herbal material to fill. Both Volcano and Vapezilla are ok for users who have has plenty of herbs to vaporize and don't mind going through their supply quickly. However, the fans on these devices don’t push the vapor into your lungs; you still have to inhale. Because Vapezilla and Volcano makes a lot of noise, we recommend you leave them off in between uses.

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